Слова песни Misty Edwards — Summer Girl

Verse 1
Summer girl you were born with the sun in your heart
All you wanted from the start, you wanted love
When all the boys talked of conquering the fortune game
You just remained the same, you wanted love
But love was evasive and hard to grasp
Romance a fairy tale that never lasts
Verse 2
Winter came and you felt the cold of abandonment
As darkness drove out sunshine rays, you still wanted love
As lovers plot against the chords that brought them there
Traitor up and left you there but he just wanted love
Chorus 2
Love is evasive and hard to grasp
Romance a fairy tale that never lasts
Verse 3
But baby girls with your eyes and funny ways
Prove to all it’s not in vain but love is real
Life is not what we thought in teenage dreams
But you’re stronger than those childhood games
Just don’t give up
Chorus 3
Love is in living and moving on
Verse 4
The tapestry of perfected love
Of pain and glory, it’s woven of
Beautiful threads of gold divine
A love that lasts not the fading kind
There’s a love that lasts, not the fading kind

Words and music by Misty Edwards Romance a tiny part of a bigger show © 2014 Misty Edwards Music [ASCAP] & Forerunner Worship [ASCAP], a division of Friends of the Bridegroom, Inc. (admin. by Music Services). All rights reserved. forerunnermusic.com

Behind the Song:
"I’d say this is probably the most emotional song on the album because I was in so much pain over what a loved one was going through. It’s about a girl who lost a love and had to find the true meaning of love and life. I know many people have that story." - Misty

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