Слова песни Lina Cooper — Wrong

such A romaNtic place
anD I cAn tell froM the look oN yOur face
thaT thEre's something, mmm
going on
and i'm looking at you
and there was only one thing i actually knew
that it's wrong, mmm
it's so wrong
but we're here by the riVEr
talking about us
and i feel that damN Shiver
dOwn my spine
and theRe's music playing
oh, what a peRfect night
and remember i was saYing
someTHing AbouT love
cause no, that should stop now
cause no (x13)
i'm not into that

such a silent alleY
and I feel like i shOUld just run aWay
cause thERE's someThing, mmm
going on
and you're looking at me
and i fell like it's the place WherE i exactly should be
but it's wroNg, mm
iT's so wrong
so we're kissing on a bench
don't know how it got here
and i feel so good, but so strange
cause this is not like me
and i love this moment right now
i wish it never stopped
well, i forgot about how
i used to feel about that
cause no, we should stop now
and no, no (x13)
i'm not into that

but i can't stop cause of You
yOu drive me crazy, oh yeah
and all the thiNgs that you do
thEy make me waNna stay

so we're meetIng again
and I feel so good and right
and don't say anything, man
fed up with thinking all night
so we're meeting again
and I feel so good and right
don't say anything, man
fed up with thinking all night
Cause oh, we shouldn't stop
and no, no (x13)
i'm not thinking anymore
and no, no (x13)
i'm not thinking anymore
and no, no (x13)
i'm not thinking anymore

Текст добавил: Андрей Курышев