Слова песни Clannad — A Mhuirnin O )О(

A mhuirnín ó an dtiocfaidh tú na bhaile
A mhuirnín ó an dtiocfaidh tú liom
A mhuirnín ó an dtiocfaidh tú na bhaile
A mhuirnín ó

Bhí sé thíos i lár a' mhargaidh
Dól sé 's cheol sé ar rith an lae
Nuair a tháinig an oíche gan pingin ina bhríste
Is mairg nár ghlac mé comhairle na mná

Casadh orm é le heiri na gréine
An ógánach gleoite go folláin 's go beo
Nuair a thóg sé a hata agus labhair sé le gáire
Thit mé i ngra leis, chreid mé go deo

Bhí cnaipí airgid ar mo chóta
Is ribní síoda a bhfearr sa tír
Slabhraí óir is clocha luachmhar
Mheall mé le saibhreas é go fíor

Ní rabhas ag a nduine cé'n pháirt dén tír é
Labhair sé go uasal soinneanta só
Bhí 'n tiombá thart go raibh tiarna ina theaghlach
Ní raibh sé i bhfad bhí mé geallta do

Tá'n ceangal fada 's deacar a scaoileadh
Bhfearr i bhfad a bheith cinnte do
Níor ghlac sé i bhfad gur bhris sé mo chroí sa
A leoga ní seo mo scéilín ó

A 'gur shiúl sé síos i lár a mhargaidh
'S cheannaigh sé carda ar phunt nó dhó
Bhí an tádh ina rith leis, bhain sé an "lotto"
Anois bhéidh an chuideachta againn go deo

{перевод на англицкую мову}

My darling love, will you come back home?
My darling love, will you come with me?
My darling love, will you come back home?
My darling love

He was down at the market
He drank and sang all day long
When night came and he hadn't a penny in his pocket
Oh what a shame I didn't take the missus' advice

I met him at sunrise
A charming, healthy and lively young lad
When he lifted his hat and spoke with a smile
I fell in love with him, thought it would never end

My coat had buttons of silver
And the best silk ribbons in the country
Golden chains and precious stones
I truly enticed him with my glitter and gold

No one knew from which part of the land he came
He spoke nobly and with pleasant ease
Rumor had it that there was a lord in his family
It wasn't long 'til I was engaged to him

The bond is long and difficult to untie
It's much better to be sure of it
It didn't take long 'til he broke my heart
Indeed this is not the story I'd prefer to be telling

But then he went back down to the market
And bought a ticket for a pound or two
Luck was on his side, he won the lottery
Now we'll forever be living the good life

Текст добавил: Андрей Курышев