Слова песни Bebe — 13. Razones (a capella)


Te echo de menos, le digo al aire
te busco, te pienso, te siento y siento
que como tu no habra nadie
y aqui te espero, con mi cajita de la vida
cansada, a oscuras, con miedo
y este frio, nadie me lo quita

Tengo razones, para buscarte
tengo necesidad de verte, de oirte, de hablarte
tengo razones, para esperarte
porque no creo que haya en el mundo nadie mas a quien ame
tengo razones, razones de sobra
para pedirle al viento que vuelvas
aunque sea como una sombra
tengo razones, para no quererte olvidar
porque el trocito de felicidad fuiste tu quien me lo dio a probar

El aire huele a ti, mi casa se cae porque no estas aqui
mis sabanas, mi pelo, mi ropa te buscan a ti
mis pies son como de carton
que voy arrastrando por cada rincon
mi cama se hace fria y gigante
y en ella me pierdo yo
mi casa se vuelve a caer
mis flores se mueren de pena
mis lagrimas son charquitos
que caen a mis pies
te mando besos de agua
q hagan un hueco en tu calma
te mando besos de agua
pa que bañen tu cuerpo y tu alma
te mando besos de agua
para que curen tus heridas
te mando besos de agua
de esos con los que tanto te reias


I miss you, I tell the air
I look for you, think of you, feel you, and feel
that there will be noone like you
And here I wait, with my little life box
tired, in darkness, with fear
and this cold, noone takes it from me.

I have reasons, to look for you
I have a necesity to see you, hear you, talk to you
I have reasons, to wait for you
Because I dont think there is anyone else in the world who I love
I have reasons, many reasons
To ask the wind for you to come back
even if it is like a shadow
I have reasons, for not wanting to forget you
because the little slice of happiness, it was you who gave it to me.

The air smells like you, my house falls because you are not here
My sheets, my hair, my clothes are looking for you
My feet are like cardboard
That I drag in every corner
My bed becomes cold and gigantic
And in it I get lost
My house falls again
My flowers die of sadness
My tears are puddles
That fall at my feet
I send you water kisses
To make a hole in your soul
I send you water kisses
To bathe your body and soul
I send you water kisses
So they heal your injuries
I send you water kisses
Of those you laughed so much with.

Текст добавил: Андрей Курышев