Слова песни Axis Powers Hetalia — Mr. Country

あのパンツは今でも なんにも染まらずに
同じ色の旗なびかせて 約束を待ってる

My underwear’s been dyed in the sames colors of my flying flag. I’m waiting for
your promise

あの頃はうるさいと 振り返ったらいつも
笑ってた 小鳥 探すこと 忘れてしまってる
That sort of time’s always noisy and repetitive.
And I had forgotten to search for that laughing little bird

仕方なく国を開いたら ほら 
If you open the countries who cant do a thing, look!
You’ll find our memories fade one piece at a time

白以外 要らない 足りない
それじゃ 明日(ASSE) を 描けない
Without white, unneeded, not enough
You cannot paint tomorrow (the axis) like that

Hey Mr.Country はたをふって
Hey Mr.Country パレードしよう
皆(みな)がくれた温もりで 私がいる
We're Country

Hey Mr. Country, wave your flag
Hey Mr. Country, let’s have a parade
I’m hear because of the warmth everyone’s given
We’re Country

サヨナラも アリガトも ごまかしたままだから
俺様のパンケーキくらい 食わせてやらなきゃな
Goodbyes and thank yous seem so deceptive
But I’ll give you some of the awesome me’s pancakes


The feeling of a memorable summer ending
And the yesterdays passing by one another

忘れない 消さへん やめねぇ
俺は「OLE!」や ケ・セ・ラ・セラ
Don’t forget, disappear, or quit
I say OLE! and que sera sera

Hey Mr.Country 時戻して
Hey Mr.Country おまじないやで
もいちど あの日に帰る 夢を見せて
We're Country

Hey Mr. Country, restore our time
Hey Mr. Country, I’ll give you a charm
And we’ll see a dream in which we return to that day
We’re Country

(Hey Mr.Country)×4

You wanted me to consider  your Independence

No longer my little brother

Idiot.... Why did you think  I could shoot you?
[ばかだな なんで俺がお前を撃てるんだよ]

Did you really want ''it'' instead o my hand?

(Hey Mr.Country) 結局俺らみんな
(Hey Mr.Country) 弱い存在だけど
(Hey Mr.Country) 明日を描くのさ

Because in the end, we’re all weak existences. But we still continue to draw our

Hey Mr.Country はたをふって
Hey Mr.Country パレードしよう
あなたくれた温もりが 私になる
We're Country

Hey Mr. Country, Wave your flag
Hey Mr. Country, Let’s have a parade
I’m here because of the warmth you’ve given me
We’re Country

Hey Mr.Country 時を戻す
Hey Mr.Country 魔法をかけて
そんなもんがなくっても 夢を見れる
We're Country

Hey Mr. Country, restore our time
Hey Mr. Country, enchant me
Even if we cease to exist, we can still dream
We’re Country

君がくれた温もりで まるをかこう
Heads Up, Leads Earth!(ヘタリア)

We can form a circle from the warmth you’ve given us
Heads Up, Leads Earth (Hetalia)

Mister Country!

Текст добавил: Андрей Курышев