Слова песни Alif — Al-Khutba Al-Akhira (The Last Declamation)
هُنالِكَ مَوْتى ينَامونَ في غُرَفٍ سَوْفَ تَبْنونَها،
هُنالِك مَوْتى يَزورونَ ماضيَهُمْ في المَكانِ الَّذي تَهْدِمون،
هُنالِك مَوْتى يَمُرُّونَ فَوقَ الجُسورِ الَّتي سَوْفَ تَبْنونَها،
هُنالِك مَوتى يُضيؤونَ لَيْلَ الفَراشاتِ، مَوْتى يَجيئونَ فَجْراً لكي يَشْرَبُوا شايَهُمْ مَعَكُم، هادئِين،
كما تَرَكَتْهُمْ بَنادِقُكُمْ، فاتْرُكوا يا ضُيوفَ المَكان،
مَقاعدَ خالِيَةً لِلْمُضيفينَ، كي يَقْرؤوا
عَليكُمْ شُروطَ السَّلامِ مَعَ المَيِّتين
شعر لمحمود درويش. الترجمة الإنجليزية لناريمان يوسف -
There are the dead who sleep in rooms you are yet to build.
There are the dead who visit their past in the place you destroy.
There are the dead who traverse the bridges you are yet to build.
There are the dead who illuminate the butterflies’ night.
The dead who arrive at dawn to share your tea, calmly —
as calm as your guns have left them.
So you, visitors of this place,
must leave some empty seats for your hosts,
that they can recite to you
the terms of peace
with the dead.
- Poem by Mahmoud Darwish. English translation by Nariman Youssef.
هُنالِك مَوْتى يَزورونَ ماضيَهُمْ في المَكانِ الَّذي تَهْدِمون،
هُنالِك مَوْتى يَمُرُّونَ فَوقَ الجُسورِ الَّتي سَوْفَ تَبْنونَها،
هُنالِك مَوتى يُضيؤونَ لَيْلَ الفَراشاتِ، مَوْتى يَجيئونَ فَجْراً لكي يَشْرَبُوا شايَهُمْ مَعَكُم، هادئِين،
كما تَرَكَتْهُمْ بَنادِقُكُمْ، فاتْرُكوا يا ضُيوفَ المَكان،
مَقاعدَ خالِيَةً لِلْمُضيفينَ، كي يَقْرؤوا
عَليكُمْ شُروطَ السَّلامِ مَعَ المَيِّتين
شعر لمحمود درويش. الترجمة الإنجليزية لناريمان يوسف -
There are the dead who sleep in rooms you are yet to build.
There are the dead who visit their past in the place you destroy.
There are the dead who traverse the bridges you are yet to build.
There are the dead who illuminate the butterflies’ night.
The dead who arrive at dawn to share your tea, calmly —
as calm as your guns have left them.
So you, visitors of this place,
must leave some empty seats for your hosts,
that they can recite to you
the terms of peace
with the dead.
- Poem by Mahmoud Darwish. English translation by Nariman Youssef.
Текст добавил: Андрей Курышев