Слова песни Metsatoll — Metsaviha 2

Tuld ja tõrva metsaviha.
Verd ja viha metsapeni.
Udu ja vingu metsaviha.
Verd sa sülga iidne susi.

Tappa, tappa, susi on tulnud õueelle!
Susi sa soad mu viha välja!
Susi sul ussi süda sees!
Susi sa sülgad mulle verd!

Tappa, tappa, kuri on tulnud õueelle!
Susi on tulnud õueelle!

Tappa, tappa, kuri on tulnud õueelle!
Susi sa soad mu hinge välja!
Hunt on tulnud õueelle!

Woodwrath 2

Fire and tar woodwrath.
Blood and wrath wood-cur.
Mist and reek woodwrath.
Spit blood, you ancient wolf.

Kill, kill, the wolf has come into the yard!
Wolf, you release my anger!
Wolf, you have a worm’s soul!
Wolf, you spit blood for me!

Kill, kill, evil has come into the yard!
The wolf has come into the yard!

Kill, kill, evil has come into the yard!
Wolf, you release my anger!
The wolf has come into the yard!

Текст добавил: Андрей Курышев